Sunday 27 October 2013


        Adele is white but she defies the white image of beauty because she is not slim.  She is larger than most of the females that we see in music today.  In a way, she is the total opposite of Nicki Minaj.  Adele’s focus is on her music not on the way she looks.  Adele is a good representation of women because she shows that not all women are slim.  You do not have to be slim to be beautiful.  Real women come in all shapes and sizes and Adele brings attention to this.  She is represented as a powerful female willing to defy society’s image of beauty.
          Her music videos are not sexualized like many of her counterpart female musicians.  Videos such as “Rolling in the Deep” and “Someone Like You” have an artistic feel that accompany the lyrics of these songs.  The focus is always on the music which is what being a singer is about.  This obsession with image in music and other popular media is ridiculous.  Music is about the singing, not the way the artist looks.  The way an artist looks has no bearing on their ability to sing.  You usually hear an artist’s song first before you see an image of them or their music video.  Adele represents the voice of women.  Women have something to say, they are not just there to look aesthetically pleasing for men.
        Adele further defies the social norm by having a child out of wedlock.  There are many women that are faced with unwanted pregnancy and choose to be single parents.  But there are also couples like Adele and her boyfriend that have a child before getting married.  This shows women that are in similar positions that it is not wrong.  You do not have to be chained down by the masculine institution of marriage.
         In the music video for “Rolling in the Deep” Adele is sitting in a chair singing. The room she is sitting in looks like someone has been painting it.  It panes out to a house full of glasses of water.  Another shot is of a samurai dancing with a sword in a room lined with sand.  Someone (unseen) is throwing white ceramic dishes that form a large pile at the end of the stairs.  The more powerfully Adele sings, the glasses of water vibrate, the samurai dances faster and the dishes are broken faster.  This culminates to sparklers falling upon a table covered with a model of white buildings.  The white buildings are finally set on fire.  Women have the power to destroy the male hegemony that these white buildings represent.  These buildings represent the male thinking that is only one sided.  Without women society is bland and colourless, and has no life to it.  All these different images intertwined represent the power of Adele’s singing.  The music video is not only focused on Adele unlike other videos that prominently feature the singer.  The video is focused more on the singer’s power.  This video represents women’s ability to let their voice be heard.  When women are heard they have the power to do anything, including setting a house on fire.

         Adele is a good representation of women because she shows that our voices are beautiful.  They have the right to be spoken and heard.  Through this women can overcome the male dominance in society. Adele represents the women that are not slim and fit society’s image of beauty.  She shows that you can still be beautiful even if you are not slim.  This is a good message towards girls and women.
adele singing at grammys
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